This dating advice has been around for quite a long time now. Many bloggers have written about this topic. But having said this, a lot of guys keep on making this mistake on dates. This will be my take on this subject. Hope you guys learn something from this.

Women hate guys who act like jerks. Those loud mouth types who talk a whole of nothing except about themselves. This is a big "NO" when you are dating someone. Women of all ages want someone who knows his limitations. Someone who is not boring but won't act like a jerk when trying to impress a girl. Here are two things to think about.

- Prepare Yourself - 

Just because you got yourself a date doesn't mean you'll go there unprepared. That would be suicide. Think of it like you are preparing yourself for war. Dress nicely and spray a little bit of perfume, brush your teeth and take some breath mints. Practice your words and be nice at all times. Although being a bit too nice ain't that good. Makes you look like a doormat or something. Trust me, you'll need everything in your arsenal to claim victory. 

- Keep That Ego In Check -

You are going to talk a lot on your first date. That is a given. Talk about stuff that is really interesting. Throw some jokes but be careful not to upset her. Usually your ego comes out when you are being overpowered by your date. When your ego is hurt, your defense mechanism is to a jerk and be arrogant about yourself. Maintain your composure and keep your ego in check. A guys ego is usually as big as a house. Keeping it in check will be a demanding task but I know you guys can do it. If not, then your date will result in a failure.

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